• UNHCR Representatives Visit SAHSOL for Session on Refugees

    Representatives from UNHCR, the United Nations Refugee Agency, Ghazala Mirza and Tauseef Ullah visited the Shaikh Ahmad Hassan School of Law at LUMS on February 20 at a...

  • Rizq’s Nationwide Campaign Helps Those Affected by the Coronavirus Pandemic

    In response to the devastating impact of the Coronavirus pandemic, Rizq, a social organisation set up by LUMS alumni, Huzaifa Ahmed, Musa Aamir and Qasim Javaid, has...

  • SDSB Luminites Association Holds Annual Reunion

    The first batch of LUMS students graduated over three decades ago, but when over 300 alumni from the Business School returned to campus on February 29, 2020, it seemed...

  • Delegation Led by US Consul General, Catherine Rodriguez Visits LUMS

    The US Consul General, Catherine Rodriguez visited LUMS along with Economic and Political Officer, Kathleen McDonald; Executive Director US-Pakistan Women’s Council,...

  • SOE Hosts Policy Roundtable on ‘Moving from Summative to Formative Assessments in Punjab’

    On February 7, 2020, Syed Ahsan Ali and Syed Maratib Ali School of Education (SOE) hosted a Policy Roundtable on ‘Moving from Summative to Formative Assessments in...

  • History Department Faculty Members Awarded Prestigious Fellowships

    Three faculty members from the Department of History at the Mushtaq Ahmad Gurmani School of  Humanities and Social Sciences have been awarded prestigious...
