• BSc Class 2007 Announces Salman-Hashir Scholarship

    LUMS gave the Class of 2007 many things – a great education, amazing opportunities for personal and professional development, conscience, and respect. Most...

  • Dean SDSB, Dr. Jawad Syed Publishes Textbook on Human Resource Management

    Dr. Jawad Syed, Dean and Professor of Organisational Behaviour, Suleman Dawood School of Business (SDSB) has published the second edition of his international textbook...

  • SAHSOL Student Passes the CSS Examination

    Qualifying the Central Superior Services (CSS) examination is the dream of every young talented Pakistani student. Thousands of candidates appear each year, but only a...

  • Dr. Omar Zakhilwal, Ambassador of Afghanistan Visits LUMS

    His Excellency Dr. Omar Zakhilwal, the Ambassador of Afghanistan to Pakistan, visited LUMS on April 6, 2017. The Ambassador was welcomed by Prof. Dr. S. Sohail H. Naqvi...

  • Ms. Martine Dorance, Ambassador of France Visits LUMS

    Her Excellency Ms. Martine Dorance, Ambassador of France to Pakistan, along with her Cooperation Attaché Mr. Olivier Huynh - Van, visited Lahore University of Management...

  • SAHSOL Conducts Career Consultation Session

    The Shaikh Ahmad School of Law (SAHSOL) conducted a Career Consultation Session on March 31, 2017. The event was conducted by Ms. Summaya Zaidi, a SAHSOL Alumna (...
