• BSc Class 2007 Announces Salman-Hashir Scholarship

    LUMS gave the Class of 2007 many things – a great education, amazing opportunities for personal and professional development, conscience, and respect. Most...

  • Dean SDSB, Dr. Jawad Syed Publishes Textbook on Human Resource Management

    Dr. Jawad Syed, Dean and Professor of Organisational Behaviour, Suleman Dawood School of Business (SDSB) has published the second edition of his international textbook...

  • SAHSOL Student Passes the CSS Examination

    Qualifying the Central Superior Services (CSS) examination is the dream of every young talented Pakistani student. Thousands of candidates appear each year, but only a...

  • Boston Alumni Chapter Holds Dinner Get-Together

    It was a night to rekindle fond memories for the LUMS Boston Alumni Chapter, when they held a charming get-together on Saturday, May 6, 2017 in the Common Room at...

  • LUMS to Set-up National Incubation Center in Lahore

    The National ICT and R&D Fund (NICTRDF) has awarded the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) a project worth PKR 600 million to set-up the National...

  • Ernst And Young Ford Rhodes Hold Recruitment Drive at LUMS

    Ernst and Young (EY) Ford Rhodes conducted a recruitment drive for their Management Trainee Programme at Lahore University Management Sciences (LUMS). Ms. Zoya Matin...
