Quantum Dynamics

Quantum Dynamics

The theory of Quantum Mechanics has led to major technological developments in the science industry, and may yet lead to many more novel advancements in the field as well. However, before doing so, it is essential to understand the dynamics of realistic open quantum systems, i.e. systems that interact uncontrollably with the surrounding environment, thereby losing their fragile quantum abilities. Dr. Chaudhry's research tries to answer three big questions: 1. How can the dynamics of open quantum systems be studied? 2. What can be done in order to control the dynamics, once the dynamics have been understood? 3. How can realistic open quantum systems be used in technology? Resolving these problems will directly impact many different subjects such as quantum optics, control theory, condensed matter, quantum information and chemical physics, leading to many possible applications including, but not limited to, extremely accurate measuring instruments, highly efficient artificial light harvesting systems, and perhaps even quantum computers.

Muhammad Arshad Maral