LUMS faculty members from the Departments of Economics and Electrical Engineering recently participated in a Workshop, “Promoting Green Growth and Technology in Food-Water and Energy Nexus for OIC Countries – Challenges and Opportunities” held at the Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Agriculture’s Headquarters in Karachi, Pakistan on December 2-4, 2019 in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The conference had representation from nearly 15 Organisations of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) countries.
LUMS faculty members presented their research at the Workshop. Electrical Engineering faculty, Dr. Abubakr Muhammad shared an introduction to the Water–Energy–Agriculture Nexus in the context of OIC countries. Dr. Sanval Nasim, Economics faculty, presented his work, Green Economy Enabling Environment: From Command Control to Market Based Solution. He also discussed his research, Policy and Institutional Constraints on the Efficient Allocation and Optimal Management of Groundwater.
Electrical Engineering Post Doctoral Fellow and Adjunct Faculty, Dr. Fozia Parveen’s presentation, Wastewater Treatment Technologies and Management in The Mediterranean Region of OIC: The Case of Jordan, provided important insights to the audience. Dr. Mahmood Ahmad presented his work, Greening Growth and Policies: 'Green Rice Cultivation' Case of Paradoxical Agriculture and concluded the session with a presentation, Water, Energy and Food Nexus Initiatives in OIC Countries from Ideas to Projects.
Farooq Mushtaq, an Electrical Engineering student also participated in the workshop, which presented a good opportunity to review the Nexus issues to try and minimise challenges.