LUMS Model United Nations Society (LUMUN), and the Dean of Student Affairs Office hosted guest speaker, Mr. Abdul Majeed from the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations (UN), Pakistan on August 3, 2018 at LUMS to speak to students about his professional experience at WHO.
Mr. Majeed shared his experience at the Risk Assessment and Decision Support (RADS) Department and also spoke about job and internship opportunities at WHO and the UN.
Ms. Hiba Zakai, the Campus Climate Manager at LUMS explained the concept behind the speaker series. “The notion behind the ‘Inside Story’ speaker series is to meet various professionals in an amicable and friendly environment. Since these interactions are in an informal setting, it allows a comfortable and an intimate space for students, which helps to wear off their hesitations. At LUMS, we have 38 undergraduate student societies. The essence of these series will encourage each society to invite professionals from diverse areas, build connections, and hear their stories.”
Mr. Majeed spoke about UN employment opportunities, shared inside stories and pictures of the fieldwork conducted by his department and had a frank and fun conversation with an audience that came out to meet him during their summer break.
The session ended with an immense awareness amongst the audience about different health related paradigms, especially Polio. He also encouraged students to apply for WHO-UN jobs and internships to become part of the community and benefit society at large alongside gaining valuable skills and diverse experiences.
“In the future,” Ms. Zakai said, “we would like to have more vivacious and enthusiastic sessions – after all that is the best way to build relationships and the secret to networking.”