Faculty at the Mushtaq Ahmad Gurmani School of Humanities and Social Sciences (MGSHSS), LUMS continue to make their mark in various spheres. Here are two faculty members of MGSHSS who have recently published articles in international journals with their research.
Dr. Syed M. Hasan, Assistant Professor Economics, published an article titled “Waste Not, Want Not: A Case Study on Food Waste in Restaurants of Lahore, Pakistan”, in the Journal of Food Products Marketing (Vol. 24, Issue 5). According to the article, Pakistan is the sixth largest population in the world and facing serious issues of malnourishment should be studied, as the amount of research currently on the subject is almost non-existent. The article is using Lahore as its prime focus as it is the country’s second largest urban centre, and called ‘the culinary capital of Pakistan.’
An important attribute of the article published by Dr. Hasan is that it is based on the Senior Project of three LUMS students, who were mentored by Dr. Hasan. It is a proud moment for LUMS faculty to witness the result of the hard work and quality that LUMS undergraduate students are taught to produce.
Read more about the article here.
Dr. Anushay Malik, Assistant Professor Humanities and Social Sciences, continues to excel in her area of research. Dr. Malik has published her article titled ‘Public Authority and Local Resistance: Abdur Rehman and the industrial workers of Lahore, 1969–1974’ in Modern Asian Studies (June 18, 2018). The article follows popular movements and the failures of certain movements in the Pakistani context which eventually led to the return of military rule.
Read more about the article here.