Lifetime Learning @LUMS (LLL) hosted its 9th Orientation Session on March 20, 2019. The ceremony was attended by a diverse audience made of students, professionals, artists, faculty and the LLL staff. The ceremony began with the national anthem and a welcome speech by the LLL team, the energy and enthusiasm on display at the orientation was an encouraging precedent for the upcoming weeks.
All incoming students were introduced to life on campus through a Lifetime Learning @LUMS video, followed by a slide show. Through the slide show, they were briefed of everything there is to know about their classes, university policies, facilities, and most importantly, the faculty. They were also informed about the rules and regulations they are required to follow throughout the duration of their course. The session also incorporated a few entertaining games for the participants.
The presentation was followed by a campus tour, giving participants the opportunity to interact with their fellow LLLites. As the orientation drew to a close, the participants were directed to their venues for the classes. The day marked the beginning of a successful start.
Classes for LLL Session 9 have now begun, with 15 exciting courses and 394+ participants onboard. We hope that these participants have a rewarding and memorable journey with this exciting programme.