• Seminar: Screening Methods for the Pharmaceutical Drug Discovery

    Analytical chemistry underpins pharmaceutical drug development by providing assurance of safety, efficacy and quality of a new medicine. The process of drug development...

  • Call for Applications: Assistant/Associate Professors for Dept. of CS

    The Department of Computer Science at Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) invites applications for full-time tenure-track faculty positions at the...

  • Programme on Managing Marketing Channels Conducted by REDC

    Organic growth priorities, coupled with changes in customer needs and buying behavior, are driving senior executives to explore new and innovative channel strategies for...

  • LUMUN Wins Eight Awards at WorldMUN 2016

    The  LUMS Model United Nations Society (LUMUN) participated in the 25th edition of the Harvard WorldMUN conference held in Rome, Italy - the most prestigious...

  • Programme on Negotiation Skills Conducted at REDC

    Building an integrative view on negotiations requires a mindset that is central to the adaptability required for sustaining momentum and progress. In the present times,...

  • LUMS and ABF Join Hands to Promote Academic Research in Pakistan

    American Business Forum (ABF) reached a Memorandum of Understanding with the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) at the Academic Research Department of the...
