Advanced Communications Laboratory

Advanced Communications Laboratory

AdCom lab carries out research in modern-day telecommunication and smart grid systems; its main themes include Modeling, Design, Simulation, Implementation and Performance Characterizations. The lab’s research spans may diverse aspects of telecommunication systems, such as, Massive MIMO, Cross layer Design in Wireless Systems (5G, 4G), Event Detection & Event Identification in Wireless Sensor Networks, Efficient Strategies for Cognitive Cooperative Communication, Experimental Implementation of Relaying platforms, Performance Analysis of Ultra Wideband Systems, and Applied Signal Processing. Research in Smart Power Grids domain includes, Demand side management, Consumer Behavior Studies and Integration of Distributed Renewable Energy Sources. During the last five years, the lab has been accorded international recognition through the publication of more than 50 research papers at various prestigious peer-reviewed journals and conferences and several million in research funding. Additionally, three patents were also granted during these years.