Spin and Photon Physics

Spin and Photon Physics

In Dr. Sabieh Anwar’s multi-disciplinary research group, the aim is to explore the fundamental properties of materials, especially at the nanoscale, and their interaction with external radiation such as light or electromagnetic radiation. Some aspects of this research also bear societal implications. For example, the group is developing polarised, miniaturised and mobilised magnetic resonance systems that can revolutionise the outreach of MRI, extending it to on-field inspections and testing, ambulatory medical care in disaster-struck areas, as well as routine analysis in the chemistry lab fume hood. Dr. Anwar’s group also conducts research on the burgeoning field of spin caloritronics. Temperature gradients can not only generate electrical voltages but also spin voltages which can become the source of energy for future spintronic devices – a whole new paradigm of using electronics, free of charge. The group’s major emphasis is on detecting and evaluating these spintronic effects using polarised light in the UV-visible range. This work naturally involves an in-depth investigation of magneto-optic effects in condensed matter systems.

Muhammad Arshad Maral