Faculty Development Workshop by Mr. Irfan Mustafa, Founder & CEO, The Food Lab DMCC. The session took place on November 23rd, 2017 at SDSB, where he highlighted four core components of Transformational Leadership which are: Competent, Futuristic, Inspirational, and Character. Mr. Irfan drew attention to the Circumplex Model which explains three broad styles of Life Styles Inventory which are: Constructive Styles, Passive/ Defensive Styles, and Aggressive/ Defensive Styles. He further explained that the Circumplex Model could be used to identify any gaps between Self-Description Profile and Description-by-Others Profile. Previously, he served on various notable positions such as: Vice President Strategy and Planning, Pepsi Cola International, Inc., New York, USA; and Managing Director of YUM! Brands for the Middle East, North Africa, Pakistan, and Turkey.