SAHSOL Faculty Presents Paper at Exeter University

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Shaikh Ahmad Hassan School of Law (SAHSOL) faculty, Dr. Zubair Abbasi presented a paper titled ‘Regulation of Sex Under Islamic Law: Judicial Application of Hudood Laws in Pakistan' at the Governance and Violence in Islamic Law Workshop held at the University of Exeter, UK on November 24, 2017.

This one-day workshop was held under the auspices of the USPPIP project (Understanding Sharia: Past Perfect, Imperfect Present) and was hosted by the University of Exeter.  The workshop covered the specific focus of two elements of the project – violence (studied by Exeter USPPIP research team) and governance (studied by the Bergen USPPIP research team).  The USPPIP team members, Dr. Omar Anchassi, Eirik Hovden and Professors Robert Gleave, Knut Vikor convened at the workshop.