Dr. Tahir Andrabi is Professor of Economics at Pomona College. He has been a visiting scholar at MIT, a research associate at LSE and a consultant for the World Bank. He was a member of the tax and macroeconomic committees of the economic advisory board of the government of Pakistan in 1999-2000. He is a co-founder and Director, Social Policy and Public Goods Program of the Center for Economic Research, Pakistan (www.cerp.org.pk) in Lahore, Pakistan.
He is the principal investigator on the four-year longitudinal study leapsproject.org on quality of primary education in rural Punjab funded by the World bank and the National Science Foundation . He is also the PI on a National Academy of Sciences/Higher Education Commission, Pakistan grant on evaluating the recovery from the 2005 northern Pakistan earthquake. (See Associated Press/Fox, Newsweek, BostonGlobe, Dailytimes, USA Today,The Guardian, the Globe and Mail and The Dawn for news coverage of the latest research on the earthquake.)
He has published extensively in major economics and education journals. In 2007, his work on religious education in Pakistan received the George Bereday Award for the best paper published in Comparative Education Review in 2006 from the Comparative and International Education Society. He co-founded the website risepak.com to help coordinate relief in the aftermath of the October 2005 earthquake. The website was awarded the Stockholm Challenge Award (2006) for the best ICT project in the public administration category. His research has been covered by The Financial Times, Toronto Globe and Mail, USA Today, The Christian Science Monitor, Newsweek, The Economist, Foreign Policy and news media around the world.
Professor Andrabi is a graduate of Swarthmore College and holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He teaches classes in economic development, game theory, international economics and empirical microeconomics.
Picture courtesy: Pomona College