On March 4, 2020, LUMS Syed Ahsan Ali and Syed Maratib Ali School of Education (SOE) organised a Graduate Networking Event for the Class of 2020. The networking event is an integral part of the placement programme as students get a chance to interact with potential employers and experts in the field of education. The aim of this networking event was to engage students with the divergent perspectives of the education researcher, practitioner and policymaker in the landscape of change. Moreover, this event was exposed MPhil students to career prospects in the multi-faceted space of education.
18 renowned organisations were invited to the Graduate Networking Event. Various organisations from the government, private and non-profit sector participated in the event, including Learning Alliance, Beaconhouse School System, Centre for Economic Research in Pakistan, The Citizens Foundation, Institute of Development and Economic Alternatives, Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi, Akhuwat, Teach the World, Teach for Pakistan, Knowledge Platform, Punjab Skills Development Fund, The City School, SABAQ, Babar Ali Foundation, TEVTA, Tintash Pvt. Ltd., Message Foundation and Shalamar Trust.
During the event, the cohort of 45 students were matched with the above listed organisations. Each organisation met with 10 students for 10 minutes per student for an allocated time. A bell would signal the end of the first round, after which, students would move forward to their next preferred organisation.
During each round, students were able to ask questions and share their resumes and elevator pitches with their preferred organisations. Organisations also shared potential positions and interviewed the students regarding their experience and interest. The event proved to be a huge success among both the students and the employers.
The event concluded with a speech from Dr. Tahir Andrabi, Dean SOE, and a hi-tea over which all the participants were able to network with representatives from the organisations.
SOE graduate students not only provided the recruiters with a diverse pool of applicants to actively recruit from, but also gained insight into their preferred organisations and career prospects. The event also allowed the School of Education to cultivate long-term strategic relationships with several organisations.