We are pleased to share that Coca-Cola Icecek Pakistan is coming to LUMS for a recruitment drive
Date: March 5, 2020
Venue: B-1 and B-2, SDSB, LUMS
Time: 6:30 pm
About CCI Pakistan & the application process for the Management Trainee Programme 2020
Their Game Challenge and fast-track into the Assessment Centres
Their leaders for an exclusive insight into what makes a true leader
What the company requires
• 3.0 and above CGPA
• Masters and above
• 0-1 year experience after your last degree
• Open to relocation
Target Audience
Graduates of
MS Electrical Engineering
MS Economics
Coke Aur GupShup with their HR Director
Presentation on CCI Pakistan and Management Trainee Programme 2020
Game Challenge
This will be an interactive session followed by games in the Auditorium.