LUMS Centre for Water Informatics & Technology presents
[WIT آب بیتی Seminar Series]
Water Balance Concern and Curative Measures
Speaker: Zamir Ahmed Soomro
Date: Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Time: 03:30 pm to 5:00 pm
Venue: Dean's Smart Room, 4th Floor SSE Building, LUMS
Water Resources of Pakistan comprised both the sources; surface and groundwater. More than 90 percent water sources are consumed by Agriculture sector. However; the low crops yield associated with low water use efficiency as compared to other developed countries are bigger challenges. Over exploitation of groundwater in big cities has caused aquifer depletion. Drinking water supply schemes are mostly dependent on groundwater. The groundwater quality is mostly unsafe for drinking due to one or other reasons. The disposal of untreated sewage and industrial waste is being in fresh water bodies threatening to water quality. Use of uncontrolled pesticides causing a severe threat of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Being a lower riparian, fresh water bodies are being contaminated by across the border as well. During this talk, water quality and quantity concerns and their possible remedial measures will be discussed.
About the Speaker
Engr. Zamir Ahmed Soomro, working as Regional Director in Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR); Regional Office, Lahore since las 10 years. PCRWR is pioneer to introduce tile drainage in Pakistan. Mr. Soomro served as team leader for execution of isolated tile drainage units. About 30 National and International Publications on irrigation & drainage, desertification/rainwater harvesting, water management, crop water requirement and water quality management are in his credit.
Mr. Soomro paid more than 30 years of his life for research in water related issues at various ecological zones of the country. During the period 2010 – to date, he worked for Lysimetric studies to determine the actual crop water requirement of the major crops. He promoted water conservation techniques like; farm layout, bed plantation, LASER Land leveling, zero tillage at farm level. He has conducted successful trials for permanent raised beds in rice –wheat cropping system. The techniques introduced have proved around 50 percent water saving as compared to conventional methods with 10-15 percent increase in yield. He also leads different Water Quality Monitoring Programs to assess the water quality status in rural and urban areas. He is evolved in Groundwater recharge through artificial wells, Environmental studies of wetlands (Manchar Lake) and Eastern Rivers of Pakistan
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