Join the L'Oreal Campus Drive and Coffee Chat Recruitment Session
Date: Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Time: 6:30 pm
Venue: B-3, SDSB basement, LUMS
The L'Oreal Team will also be screening students for Management Trainee positions, Internships and other job placements during the Campus Drive
• The L’Oreal Squad will be scouting for talent through these coffee chat sessions and will also help you crack the #Brandstorm2020 case study
• Don’t forget to bring your resume as the L’Oreal recruitment team would need them for the screening
Free Blow Dry and Hairstyle - #PlasticLessFuture activity for the students:
• Can LUMS collect 1000+ plastic items in the shortest amount of time?
• Bring recyclable plastic items to get a blow dry/hair style at Volley Ball Court on February 4, 2020
This campus drive and pre hype activities are exclusively for LUMS students.