Huzaifa Rauf, a PhD candidate at the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Syed Babar Ali School of Science and Engineering (SBASSE), traveled to Brasov, Romania, to attend the International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications 2019.
LUMS is a research intensive University, and a major aim of the research conducted is to come up with solutions for global problems. As the world moves away from coal, natural gas and oil-based energy reserves, the work our students and faculty at SBASSE are doing regarding alternate energy sources becomes all the more important.
At the conference Mr. Rauf presented his research paper titled, ‘Optimised Power System Planning for Base Transceiver Station (BTS) based on Minimised Power Consumption and Cost’, which he worked on with Dr. Naveed Arshad, Associate Professor and Chair of the Computer Science Department at SBASSE, and Dr. Hassan Abbas Khan, Assistant Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering at SBASSE.
Mr. Rauf said that presenting his research on an international platform resulted in thought provoking discussions and potential research collaborations, and was also an inspiring experience for him as a PhD student, “It is very easy, after failed experiments, to feel bad for yourself in the course of your PhD study. Hearing how senior successful scientists overcome similar challenges and succeeded in this type of environment definitely helped encouraged me to keep working hard rather than focusing on small setbacks that we inevitably cannot avoid.”
He also praised the opportunities provided by LUMS that helped his research, “Working with an active research cluster at the LUMS Energy Institute and being a PhD student at the University gives you numerous opportunities to present and publish our research work in high impact conferences and journals. Also, being able to attend international conferences has provided me with an excellent platform for future research collaboration and professional development.”
Mr. Rauf’s travel was sponsored by the IGNITE research funding from the IGNITE National Technology Fund, which funds startups and innovative projects that focus on solving local problems and target global opportunities in health, education, energy, agriculture, telecom, finance and other verticals.