An afternoon of leisure and friendship was on the cards for the Sydney Alumni Chapter as they came together for a family picnic on March 2, 2019 at Putney Park in Sydney, Australia.
The weather was almost perfect for a picnic in the park. The alumni gathered together with their families and kicked off the afternoon with brief introductions, acquainting themselves with alumni they were meeting for the first time. The Chapter also extended a warm welcome to Umaira Sajjad, BS 2016, and her husband who are the most recent LUMS alumni family to have moved to Sydney.
The alumni caught up on each other’s latest adventures and exchanged stories in a fun and relaxed setting. They had a fantastic time discussing different ideas and themes for future reunions and chatting about how to be more active in initiating and taking part in similar alumni events. Many ideas were shared on how to make these get-togethers more fun and productive, and alumni and their families unanimously agreed on holding such reunions more often. There was a lot of excitement, ownership and all-around commitment to unite as a group and strengthen the Luminite network in the city.
The children especially had a great time as they played games and frolicked together in their own little groups. They even played a few games with the adults, which just added to the joy and excitement of the entire gathering. Together the alumni reminisced about their time at LUMS talking about favourite faculty and memorable experiences on campus. Everyone enjoyed the delicious food, some of which was made by the alumni themselves, and departed on a note to catch up again soon for an Eid get-together.