Taking forward its aim of providing students of the Syed Babar Ali Schoool of Science and Engineering (SBASSE) an industry relevant education, the LUMS SPIE student chapter arranged an industrial tour to Bulleh Shah Packaging (Pvt.) Ltd. in Kasur.
To provide a closer look at their operations, the students were invited to the factory by Usman Rafique, Assistant Manager, Human Resource Department of Bulleh Shah Packaging. The students were first given a presentation about the recycling of old paper and the production processes at the company. They were then taken on a tour of the production units at the establishment, helping the students gain an understanding of different types of paper manufactured with raw materials and local ingredients. The trip proved to be a great learning experience for the students.
The industrial tour was partially supported by SPIE, an international society of photo-optical instrumentation engineers. SPIE is a non-profit organisation that provides generous support to students throughout the world for optics and photonics education and research.