Steering smoothly into its 8th session with a lively orientation, Lifetime Learning @LUMS (LLL) saw a diversity of participants joining in its programme with great passion.
LLL was happy to host the incoming students who carried the yearning for learning. A couple of LLL alumni were also present at the occasion.
The ceremony began with the National Anthem, followed by a welcome note by the LLL team. During the one-hour briefing, the participants were able to familiarise themselves with the programme, LUMS, LLL policies and facilities.
They were also informed about the rules and regulations they are to follow throughout the duration of their course. The session also incorporated a few games to engage the participants.
At the end, participants helped themselves to tea and snacks and a get-to-know-each other warm up. They were all then taken for a campus tour for their respective courses by the team members, and later dropped off at their class by the Lifetime Learning team members.
Classes for LLL Session 8 have now begun, with 16 exciting courses and 320+ participants on board. The LLL Team hopes that these participants have a rewarding and memorable journey with this remarkable programme.