National Outreach Programme Centre every year undertakes constant efforts to spread awareness about the NOP Scholarship as well as encourage students to apply to the annual NOP Summer Coaching Session (SCS). NOP outreach representatives give presentations to students in their Intermediate/A-Levels, hand-out NOP marketing collateral, such as posters and flyers and build ties and strong relationships with educators in the region they visit.
This year we started off our outreach from October 15-20, 2018. The chilly days of late October, and travelling from Lahore to the resplendent scenery and snow-capped mountains of Gilgit-Baltistan, the natural beauty with all its magnificience gave a splendid view to behold.
During the week, a total of 8 colleges were visited in the cities of Sherqilla, Gahkuch, Aliabad, Karimabad, Hunza and Skardu and met with an overwhelming response with over 600 s Attendees were given an overview of LUMS, the facilities available to students and were then walked through the NOP SCS application process.
Feedback from students and institutional authorities alike was extremely positive. Vice Principal Sajida Baig of Aga Khan Higher Secondary School, Hunza remarked positively at the informative session stating “we deeply appreciate LUMS’ contribution in making students aware of this opportunity and the NOP process as a whole’
As applications from Gilgit-Baltistan for the NOP SCS have been increasing over the years, we are confident that we shall see many bright students from the region apply this year as well.