English Biscuit Manufacturers (Pvt.) Ltd. is coming to LUMS to hold its Management Trainee and Internship Programme 2018 as per the following schedule:
Date: April 5, 2018
6.30 pm - 7.30 pm Presentation for both MTs and Interns in B2, the basement of SDSB Building
7.30 pm- 8.00 pm Movements in Lab
8.00 pm- 8.30 pm Slot # 1 150 Students (only MTs). IST Lab # 1, 2 and 4
8.30 pm- 9.00 pm Slot # 2 150 Students (only MTs). IST Lab # 1, 2 and 4
9.00 pm- 9.30 pm Slot # 3 150 Students (only MTs). IST Lab # 1, 2 and 4
Date: April 6, 2018
7.00 pm- 7.30 pm Slot # 1 150 Students (only Interns). Programming Studio Lab, Ground floor, SSE building
7.30 pm- 8.00 pm Slot # 2 150 Students (only Interns). Programming Studio Lab, Ground floor, SSE building
8.00 pm- 8.30 pm Slot # 3 150 Students (only Interns). Programming Studio Lab, Ground floor, SSE building
Target Audience: Accounting and Finance, Management Science, Economics, Economics and Mathematics (Joint Major) only.
Students are not allowed to bring calculators for the online test. Please bring your own stationery (pen, paper, pencil, and an extra sheet).
Smart Card is MANDATORY to attend the session.