The Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) Physics subject test has almost become a benchmark for competitiveness for admission into top US Graduate Programmes in Experimental and Theoretical Physics. This year students from the 2017, 2018 and 2019 Physics batches sat for the exam and the Physics Department at Syed Babar Ali School of Science and Engineering (SBASSE), Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) is proud to share that nearly 90 % of the undergraduate students scored more than 900 marks out of 990.
The Department is proud of its students for their hard work and focus on the fundamentals. Furthermore, it wishes them all the best in postgraduate applications, and hopes that they continue to become leading researchers in their areas of interest.
This also highlights that the quality of instruction and academic rigour in the Department is of a globally relevant and competitive standard, and hope to invite and attract motivated and aspiring students across Pakistan to come study at SBASSE towards a degree in Physics.
The Department Chair, Dr. Muhammad Faryad, has congratulated the students and Dr. Ammar Ahmad Khan, Convener, Departmental Undergraduate Committee, who mentored students for the exam. He added, "The consistently high scores in the international GRE show that the Physics Programme at SBASSE is at par with international expectations of undergraduate students."
LUMS not only claims to be a world-class institutrion but this is manifest through the students results in their exams, be it the University result, SAT, GMAT or GRE. The students are excelling in all the fields and subjects and making their families and LUMS proud. The following students have acquired the outstanding marks in the GRE exam.
Student Name |
Obtained Marks |
Percentage |
Hamza Ahmed | 920 | 86% |
Bilal Khalid | 990 | 94% |
Sheikh Nauman Ibrahim Ahmed | 930 | 88% |
Asad Hussain | 980 | 93% |
Sharoon Austin | 910 | 85% |
Muhammad Qasim Khan | 930 | 88% |
Maryam Mudassar | 920 | 86% |