Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Volume 3 Issue 1 of SDSB IMPACT has been published online. This is the research newsletter of the Suleman Dawood School of Business. The purpose of this newsletter is to summarise important findings of the research conducted by the SDSB faculty and share those findings with the public - especially with managers, executives, entrepreneurs, and policymakers. We hope that the cutting-edge research being done at SDSB can have a positive impact on the managerial and industrial practices and policies in Pakistan. This issue comprises the following articles:
- Doctor Brides of Pakistan?
- Harsher Punishments for White-Collar Crime
- From Federal to Provincial: Meeting the Challenges of a New Institution
- Shanghai Silk Pharma Ltd: Employee Turnover
- Passing the Baton: The GFC Family
Please click here to read the latest issue