PhD student, Ansir Ilyas at the Electrical Engineering Department, Syed Baber Ali School of Science (SBASSE), LUMS and Research Associate, at the Centre for Water Informatics and Technology (WIT) is attending the Young Scientists Summer Program (YSSP) at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria from June-August, 2018.
Ansir Ilyas is pursuing his PhD research under the supervision of Dr. Abubakr Muhammad at the Electrical Engineering Department on the topic of “Distributed Optimal Control of a Nexus of Socio-ecological Systems.” His aim is to study the multi-resource nexus problem from an architectural perspective of system theory and to study the organisational and peer-to-peer network as topological obstructions toward joint optimisation.
His summer research in Austria is part of his PhD thesis; he is working in the Energy group at IIASA, where he is working with optimisation of the water-energy nexus problems. His summer research objective is to model the impact of advanced irrigation and canal technologies on sustainable development pathways for the Indus River Basin. Moreover, he is serving as a lecturer at the Electrical Engineering department (currently on leave), University of Lahore (UOL), Pakistan. He received his BS and MS in Electrical and Control Engineering from UOL and LUMS respectively.
YSSP is the IIASA’s annual three-month programme; this programme offers research opportunities to talented young researchers whose interests correspond with IIASA’s ongoing research on issues of global environmental, economic and social change. IIASA hosts 50 young scientists every year from all its National Member Countries and funding is provided through IIASA’s National Member Organisation.