A 10-member team from Pakistan participated in the South Asian Economics Students’ Meet (SAESM) 2020, which took place in Khatmandu, Nepal, from January 21 – 26. Team Pakistan comprised of nine students from LUMS and one from the Lahore School of Economics (LSE). Amongst them, Muhammad Fateh Farhan from LUMS had the privilege of representing the team as group leader.
SAESM is a platform where students studying for a major in Economics across South Asian colleges and universities come together with other fellow students to foster intellectual bonding through the student conference and its various activities.
During the conference, members were alloted various categories and each participant was then required to present a research paper from one of the themes provided. Awaid Yasin, Al-e-Iba, Javeria Ashraf, Javeria Suhail, Shehryar and Muaz Chaudhry all won the award for Best Paper in their respective themes. As a result, Team Pakistan came up on top as the best delegation with the most Best Paper awards.
The rest of the team also put in great effort in other categories, especially in the Quizonomics category which Team Pakistan’s Maniha Aftab won. In the highly competitive and renowned Budding Economist competition, Muhammad Fateh Farhan, Al-e-Iba, Awaid Yasin and Shehryar had the privilege to represent Pakistan from which Mr. Yasin and Mr. Shereyar were both able to reach the final round of the competition making Pakistan proud.
In the Panel Discussions, Momena Javaid and Muaz Chaudhary effectively analysed the problems that plague South Asia. Both told compelling stories and shared cases about unemployment, pollution and effects of climate change in South Asia. The other delegates also talked about challenges in their host countries leading to a thought-provoking discussion.
From the LUMS Economics Department, Dr. Turab Hussain, Dr. Ali Hasanain, Dr. Agha Ali Akram and Dr. Sanval Nasim and from LSE, Ms. Zunia Saif Tirmazee and Ms. Maryiam Haroon represented Team Pakistan as judges. They also assisted the host team in analysing papers for the Best Paper award and in judging the final round for the Budding Economist competition.
The event not only provided great exposure to students but also helped broaden their understanding of economics. By interacting with participants from other countries, our students realised the various intricacies involved in the economic structures of other countries and the importance of diversity.
Credit also goes to the Economics Society at LUMS, who were involved in preparing for the conference, from advertising and promoting the conference to conducting training sessions and allocating teams members to various events.
Team Pakistan has made the country proud and has returned with an even greater determination to represent the country and promote engagement at a global level.