NOP Outreach representatives headed towards the fertile and rich lands across the Jhelum river to conduct information sessions from January 28 – February 1. In addition to the city of Jhelum, the team visited the additional cities of Chakwal, Mandi Bahuddin, Gujar Khan and Kallar Kahar and presented in 14 colleges interacting with more than 800 students.
The information sessions introduced students to the opportunities available through the National Outreach Programme (NOP) and the rich educational experience of studying at LUMS. They were guided through the process of the NOP Summer Coaching Session and were encouraged to widen their horizons and dream bigger. The ensuing Question and Answer sessions focused on the methodology of the NOP Online Application where student queries pertaining to the various sections of the application were answered.
The feedback obtained from educators in the region was extremely positive with Mr. Kashif Shehzad, Senior Administration Officer at Punjab Group of Colleges Mandi Bahuddin, praising the Outreach activities and hoping that the college would continue to be visited annually. Mr. Tahir Saleem, Vice Principal at the Government Post Graduate College Jhelum, commended LUMS efforts to reach out to student from lower-income families. He suggested that Outreach should also be expanded to smaller towns and villages in the region. Dr. Abdul Qayyum, Principal at the Fazaia Intermediate College, Kallar Kahar, expressed his gratitude for the sessions arranged and vowed to motivate his students to apply to the NOP.
Meeting such an array of bright students and dedicated educators in the region of Jhelum fueled the team’s passion of reaching out to the hidden talent in our country. We look forward to receiving a myriad of promising applications from Jhelum and its surrounding cities for the NOP Summer Coaching Session 2019.