Power Week by Sports at LUMS (SLUMS) was a two-day, action packed event, held from April 8 – 9. The first day comprised of shows of endurance and strength through events like arm wrestling, weight-lifting and tug of war. A large number of students, both male and female, faculty, alumni and staff members took part in the event. All participants displayed great enthusiasm and friendly competitive spirit. Gold and silver medals were awarded to the winners and runners up in each category.
The arm-wrestling event consisted of 55, 60 and 70 kg categories. The strength and endurance event included bench press, dead lift, max push-ups and squats. The tug of war event comprised of 8 participants, each side.
On the second day of the event, a marathon of three categories — 5 km laps for students, 2.5 km laps for faculty, staff and alumni and 1 km laps for children, was held. The marathon drew an overwhelmingly positive response and great agility was displayed by all participants.