The Department of Electrical Engineering organised a Robotic Competition as part of the final module of the EE-100 course on December 13, 2018 at the Engineering Workshop Lab at the Syed Babar Ali School of Science and Engineering (SBASSE). EE-100 is a core course designed for freshmen engineering and science students to provide them a basic introduction of the various stages involved in the design of an engineering product namely, CAD designing, PCB designing and fabrication.
Chief guests for the event were Dr. Shahid Masud, Dean SBASSE and Dr. Jahangir Ikram, Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering. Thirty-four teams each comprising of four/five students competed with each other to create the fastest line following or obstacle avoiding robot. The students were provided the basic components to assemble their robots and programme their robots during the last two weeks of the semester. The winning team’s robot ‘Desi Wall-E’ traversed the track in just 42 seconds while the runner-up robot ‘Ghauri’ traversed the track in 44.5 seconds. Certificates were given to the winning and runner-up team. The competition gave the students an opportunity to use all the concepts learned in their EE-100 course in order to consolidate their learning and to give them an opportunity to work in larger teams.