As a part of Executive Certificate in Agribusiness Management (ECAM), Rausing Executive Development Centre (REDC) and Dutch Government through Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands in Islamabad collaborated for a workshop on, 'Dairy Economics' conducted at REDC from October 21 - 22, 2018. It was led by Mr. Jelle Zijlstra from world renowned Wageningen University and Research Centre who has over 25 years of experience within the dairy sector. His recent projects focused on the economic results of farm expansion, labour management on dairy farms, improving sustainability within the dairy chain and the development of national and international dairy sectors.
Sponsored by the Dutch Government, workshop on Dairy Economics brought together key dairy sector stakeholders on a single platform to learn and share best practices in dairy farm management and develop a unified understanding and vision to unleash the sector’s potential. The workshop specifically focused on constraints and opportunities in dairy sector, monitoring and evaluation of dairy farm performance and use of cost benefit analysis to evaluate best practices for optimisation.
“Such a wonderful experience to interact with faculty having in-depth knowledge about global perspective of dairy industry,” shared programme participant.