LUMS Students Achieve Highest Pass Ratio in CSS Exams 2016

Thursday, December 22, 2016
The Central Superior Services (CSS) of Pakistan, considered the prize profession in the country attracts the best intellects to its cluster. Every year thousands of candidates appear for the test for what might be considered as the most promising career prospect in the country. This year was no different, where 9,643 candidates sat for the CSS  written test. However, only 202 (2.09%) of these qualified. This is the lowest percentage of successful students since 2011. This might be the most dismal picture as yet where only four out of the 150 universities were able to showcase a double digit success rate.  
However, there is definitely a silver lining to the whole scenario for the province of Punjab which represented the highest number of successful candidates. Given the performance of the candidates, the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) students stood out with the best passing percentage of 23% followed by IBA Sukkur (14%), NUST (12%), UET (7%) and Punjab University (1.5%). Out of 70 candidates, 16 graduates of LUMS passed the written test representing the best pass-fail ratio over 150 varsities.
This is yet another feather in the cap for LUMS. From winning multiple Fulbright scholarships each year to receiving  local awards, LUMS students are constantly reinforcing this reputation of achieving excellence. The past years has seen LUMS graduates successfully join the government service and serve in key positions in the government.