Syed Ahsan Ali and Syed Maratib Ali School of Education (SOE) at LUMS successfully conducted information sessions on October 16 and 17, 2018 for its MPhil Education Leadership and Management Programme. The sessions took place in Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering and Management Sciences (BUITEMS), Sardar Bahadur Khan Women University (SBKWU), and University of Balochistan, and attracted a large number of participants, belonging to varying educational and professional backgrounds. The SOE team, comprising of Dr. Mariam Chughtai, Associate Dean and Assistant Professor; Mehreen Noon, Director Teaching and Learning Initiative and Sarah Mahmood, Manager Marketing and Admissions, received a warm welcome by the management of the three universities.
The information sessions were led by Dr. Chughtai, where she provided insight into the features of the MPhil programme, focusing on how the programme will enable graduates to lead education reform, and make a strategic difference in Pakistan’s educational landscape. She highlighted the structural, cultural, and intellectual challenges Pakistan’s education system is currently facing, and how SOE is aiming towards bringing educational reforms in these areas. She also spoke about SOE’s collaborations with the Punjab government, the KP government, and other external organisations.
The information sessions were very well-received, and the audience actively engaged the team, putting forward questions regarding the MPhil programme, particularly the partnerships that SOE has developed since its conception. The participants were curious to know of the job prospects and leadership opportunities that the MPhil programme will provide to its graduates. At SBKWU, the SOE team was present to help the participants sign up for their online MPhil applications at the LUMS Admissions portal.