Hafiz Muhammad Ateeq Ur Rehman, Senior Officer, Office of Student Affairs (OSA) participated in Suncheon Asia Pacific Scout Center (SAPSC), an international scout centre where scout volunteers from different countries serve together to promote and exchange peace, harmony, scouting and teaching world cultures.
Rehman, a graduate of Punjab BSA, represented Pakistan for the 2nd term (winter) 2018. The Korea Scout Association awarded him the ‘International Friendship Award’ for his valuable services to the Programme. During his stay, approximately 4700 students visited the Pakistan cultural class in addition to cultural exhibitions and interactions in other cities of South Korea.
“To be selected amongst an outstretched fraternity of promising international staff from all over the world was a prodigious honour for LUMS and Pakistan. Teaching Korean kids about our own country and its culture was a great experience. I combined the scout methods, my LUMS co-curricular experience and the given lesson plans to teach the kids,” Ateeq shared.
At the camp, Rehman introduced the culture of Pakistan to the people of South Korea and fellow volunteer staff from 8 countries; taught Pakistani culture at the World Cultural Village; put up a Pakistan cultural stall at the Seoul Youth Programme hosted by Seongbuk Youth Centre and stayed at the temple of Hwaeomsa, Gurye-gun. The Director of the Centre and its team arranged fun activities for the guests like kite flying, climbing, archery, and helicopter rides. “I stepped out of my comfort zone by serving in a new country. Joining the programme was one of the best choices I made,” he said.
Rehman now plans to share his experiences and observations with fellow scouting leadership and will assist LUMS, the Pakistan Boy Scouts Association and the Punjab Provincial Headquarter to develop innovative programmes for the growth and development of Pakistani youth.