LUMS has gained membership of Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN), an evidence of its active interest in quality assurance. The membership process was supported by the Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC), which has been establishes at LUMS to ensure that high standards are maintained in all matters of the University. The QEC focuses on ensuring that curriculum and teaching methods constantly adapt to the diverse expectations of individuals across a wide range of academic programmes through international collaborations and recognition.
To gain the APQN membership, LUMS went through a rigorous process of application review from the Membership Committee and the APQN Board.
As a member of APQN, LUMS can expand its knowledge base through various activities, which include:
• Participation in the APQN Annual Conference
• Branding of the organisation
• Co-organising international seminars, workshops or fora together with APQN
• Participating and applying for the APQN Awards
• Access to over 180 consultants in the Consultant Data Base and getting advice on different and specific quality assurance matters
• Receiving the electronic APQNews twice every year and the Annual Report
• Publishing qualified research papers in the APQN Academic Proceedings
• Access to the electronic periodical of the academic journal, ‘Higher Education Evaluation and Development (HEED)’
• Right to apply for the accreditation of APQN Quality Label for HEIs
APQN strives to enhance the quality of higher education in Asia and the Pacific region through strengthening the work of quality assurance organisations and extending the cooperation between them. APQN gives away the membership or accreditations to the institutes that fulfil their membership criteria.