LUMS MS Computer Science student, Rubab Zahra has been selected for the European Organisation for Nuclear Research known as CERN's ‘Openlab Summer Student Programme 2018.’ 39 students have been selected out of 1820 applicants worldwide (member as well as non-member states of CERN).
Zahra will be working on the research project titled ‘Containerized CEPH Deployment’ for nine weeks in Geneva, Switzerland. During the course of the Programme (June-August 2018), the CERN openlab Summer Students will be given a series of IT lectures especially prepared for them by experts at CERN and other institutes. The students can also attend the CERN Generic Student Programme lectures. Apart from this, visits to the accelerators and experimental areas are part of the programme, as well as visits to external companies. A report on the work project carried out will be handed in at the end of the stay.
CERN openlab is a public-private partnership that works to accelerate the development of cutting edge ICT solutions for the worldwide LHC community and wider scientific research. Through CERN openlab, CERN collaborates with leading ICT companies and research institutes. Within this framework, CERN provides access to its complex ICT infrastructure and its engineering experience, in some cases even extended to collaborating institutes worldwide. Testing in CERN’s demanding environment provides the ICT industry collaborators with valuable feedback on their products, while enabling CERN to assess the merits of new technologies in their early stages of development for possible future use. This framework also offers a neutral ground for carrying out advanced research-and-development activities with more than one company.