Kamil Majeed was selected to represent the Commonwealth Scholars Community at the UK Parliament, London, United Kingdom 2017 to present his research on “Contextualizing Quality Education – The Case of Private Schools in Pakistan.”
Kamil Majeed is a graduate of the BSc Accounting and Finance programme at the Suleman Dawood School of Business (SDSB). He was recently selected out of over 11,000 applicants for his policy vision on education reforms as one of the 50 Future Leaders from 11 countries for the British Council Future Leaders Connect Programme 2017. As an emerging policymaker, he represented Pakistan in the Houses of Parliament in London from October 17-28, 2017 to discuss some of the biggest global policy issues. He has recently graduated as a Commonwealth Scholar from the UCL Institute of Education (IOE), London (Ranked Number 1 Worldwide for Education) and currently, he is working in Pakistan as Programme Associate - Trainings and Partnerships at the LUMS School of Education (SOE). He has also served as the Official Coordinator of the United Nations Global Compact for the Lahore, Pakistan Network and was invited as a global change agent guest speaker at the 2015 UN Global Forum held at the UN General Assembly in New York. As a LUMS alumnus, he associates a large part of his achievements to the diverse experiences he had at LUMS. Majeed strongly believes in the power of education to transform lives and societies. His vision for global change is contextualized education policies to empower the future generations and make the world a relatively better place.
As one of the 11,000 applicants, Majeed shared the British Council Future Leaders Connect 2017 platform with 50 Future Leaders from 11 countries who were selected for their outstanding work and contributions in their respective countries. As a part of the programme, Majeed took part in a residential development programme based at a world-class dedicated residential leadership development and conference centre, The Møller Centre at Churchill College, Cambridge.
Additionally, during his stay in the UK, he got the opportunity to meet and engage with UK Parliamentarians, visit world leading institutions and attend private meetings with inspiring leaders and policymakers. Being a part of the Programme allowed Majeed to join a long-term network of emerging policy leaders from around the world and develop his policy making expertise to have a real impact.
He also met Rt Hon Mark Field, Minister at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office at 10 Downing Street to share his policy recommendations and spoke to Rt Hon Ed Miliband, MP and former head of Labour Party about his policy vision of contextualized educational reforms at the UK Parliament. He was appreciated for his efforts by Sir Ciarán Devane, Chief Executive, British Council.
Majeed visited the newsroom at BBC Headquarters in London and most importantly represented Pakistan as an emerging policymaker and Future Leader. The highlight of the event for him was to talk about Quaid-i-Azam as the symbol of leadership and Abdul Sattar Edhi as the Angel of Peace at the Lambeth Palace, which is the official London residence of the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Majeed also had the opportunity to represent Pakistan at the Elders Walk for Peace in London to build global empathy and support civil society on issues of peace, health, justice and equality. He had some intense conversations with Lakhdar Brahimi (Former Algerian foreign minister and freedom fighter) about the importance of integrity for Leadership in Pakistan. With Richard Branson, he discussed how with great power comes great responsibility and with the former president of Chile, Ricardo Lagos, he discussed widespread economic inequality. Majeed also had the opportunity to put up pertinent questions to Kofi Annan on the role of the UN as an implementation organization.