The LUMS Law and Politics Society (LPS) held an Orientation Session on September 24, 2018 at LUMS. The primary aim of the event was to inform the students about the importance of being legally and politically informed. Hence, LPS invited Dr. Murad Raas, Provincial Minister for Education and Mr. Muhammad Malick, senior Anchorperson and Political Analyst as its two esteemed guest speakers. The discussion that followed was highly riveting as the two speakers held different ideological views and offered students two contradictory but highly thought-provoking perspectives on the state of politics and governance in the country. The guests discussed the issue of involvement of youth in legal and political discourses. Both speakers were of the view that the students should be trained well for the aforementioned arenas through proper education and the presence of an active media.
Dr. Raas apprised the audience of his plans regarding the education system in the province. He spoke of the main issues and stated that he intends on revamping the system through the help of technology and strict implementation of laws. In response to a question, the provincial minister said that incentives alone are not enough to compel parents to send their underage children to school. He believed that strict measures were in order to bring about a change in the status-quo. According to Dr. Raas, “failure is not an option” for his team.
Mr. Muhammad Malick offered some interesting insights into the media industry. While appreciating the power of television for bringing political awareness and giving 'voice to the voiceless,' he also critiqued the less-than-stellar standards of some TV shows due to the phenomenon of ratings. Mr. Malick also commented on the growing role of ‘Social Media’ in drastically shaping the paradigms of Pakistanis. He advised the audience to absorb everything with a pinch of salt, and to try and unveil the actual facts.
The audience members were well engaged in the dialogue and raised pertinent points concerning the various issues which are ailing the education system and the media industry. The queries and concerns of the students ranged from the development of the ‘School Meal Programme' to the role of the media as the ‘Fourth Pillar of the State.’
Towards the end, Dr. Raas and Mr. Malick found themselves at odds over a question posed by a student concerning the participation of the youth in politics. While Dr. Raas wanted the students to focus on their academic life first, and then pursue politics, Mr. Malick emphasised the significance of young people being a part of the political sphere and having the ability to critically analyse the policies of the government.
The event was a huge success and the guests praised the Law and Politics Society for its contributions towards the formation of a legally informed and politically aware student-body at LUMS.