Dubbed a great success, adding to the ever increasing talent pool of the Lifetime Learning @LUMS (LLL) family, things took off to a promising start at its 7th Orientation Session held on October 8, 2018, where 450+ participants were welcomed on board to attend 20 exciting courses.
The LLL team welcomed the attendees, a diverse mix of students, professionals, artists, faculty and LUMS community members. Making remarkable headways with every session, the exciting Orientation evening set the precedent for the upcoming weeks.
The incoming students were cued in about campus life through the LLL video, followed by a slide show, through which they were apprised of everything there is to know about their classes, university policies, facilities, and most importantly, the faculty. The participants were also informed about the rules and regulations they are to follow throughout the duration of their course. The Session also included games which served as ice breakers for the participants and made them familiar with their peers and the faculty.
After sumptuous snacks and tea, a campus tour was given to the participants. As the orientation drew to a close, the participants were directed to their classes.