Lifetime Learning @LUMS Holds Demo and Orientation for Session 4

Friday, January 12, 2018

The Lifetime Learning @LUMS (LLL) Team organised a Free Demo Session on January 2, 2018 for participants who were undecided about which course to enrol in. More than 600 individuals registered for this demo session where the faculty of LLL Session 4 presented outlines of their courses and what the participants would learn from them. The session included informative presentations, as well as entertaining performances by the instructors of Rubab, Singing, Piano and Khathak course, which fascinated the audience.

These presentations and performances were followed by an interactive networking session that allowed the attendees to engage in one-on-one discussions with the faculty, and ask relevant questions from them.

As the enrolment cycle drew to a close, the enrolled participants and LLL faculty were invited to an Orientation Session on January 5, 2018. At the Orientation Session, the attendees were welcomed by the LLL team. They were also intimated about the rules and regulation they are to follow throughout the duration of their course. This session also incorporated a few games to engage the participants. Afterwards, the participants enjoyed cookies and tea, and got acquainted with each other. The Session ended with a tour of the spectacular LUMS campus, so that the participants can easily locate their class venues and learn their way around the campus.

The classes for LLL Session 4 have now begun, with 24 exciting courses and around 380 participants on board; the highest number of enrolments recorded at Lifetime Learning so far.