The LUMS KPK Alumni Chapter held its annual reunion on Monday, July 30, 2018 at Chaaye Khana in Peshawar. The reunion comprised alumni from the batches of 2007 to 2018, and provided members of the alumni community a chance to connect and bond with their fellow Luminites in the area.
The alumni kicked off the event with exchanging colloquial introductions. During the gathering, diverse topics like politics, CSS, development sector, and paying back to LUMS initiatives became the centre of the discussion over aromatic leaf tea and delectable desserts. Furthermore, they shared their cherished and finest LUMS experiences and valued the fact of being fortunate enough to have such an exceptional platform for the alumni to associate and mingle. Chapter heads, Khurram Rasheed, BSc 2012, and Sohaib Roomi, BSc 2009, with their frisky and peppy participation brought together the LUMS alumni community, and were also appreciated for their productive efforts.
The reunion ended on an auspicious note with plans to meet up more frequently.