On Thursday, August 23, 2012 in a small gathering of close family members of LUMS Pro Chancellor, Syed Babar Ali, the naming ceremony of the fourth female hostel (F4) took place at the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS). The previously called F4 hostel has been named MZMG Hall after the four grandchildren of Syed Babar Ali and Perwin Babar Ali – Mubarik Imam, Zehra Hyder Ali, Syed Murtaza Ali and Gohar Ali.
Typically at LUMS, around 65% of total student community is residing on campus, with a huge hostel facility having a total capacity for 1154 boys and 618 girls. Out of these, 209 students reside in the MZMG hostel. The first three hostels have been named after Syed Babar Ali’s mother - Mubarik Hall (F1), his wife - Perwin Ali Hall (F2), and his daughter and daughter-in-law - Henna Babar Ali and Amina Hyder Ali (F3).
The event was organised by the Babar Ali Foundation in collaboration with NMF, which was attended by the members of LUMS Management Committee and the Deans of all three schools at the University.
Dr. Adil Najam, Vice Chancellor (VC) LUMS, welcomed and thanked everyone for being part of the ceremony which was considered not only close to Syed Babar Ali’s heart but is also dear to the entire LUMS community. While talking about the generosity of Syed Babar Ali towards shaping up LUMS the way it is today, Dr. Najam said that LUMS would not be the University it is today without its on-campus hostel facility, which caters to living needs of students coming in from all across Pakistan to be part of LUMS.
Then, Syed Babar Ali took podium and expressed his gratitude for everyone’s presence at the event, which was special for him because after so many years all his grand children were here in Pakistan. While labelling this as a milestone towards making LUMS a wonderful university experience, Syed Babar Ali went on and said that he wants to make sure that his younger generation has an ongoing interest in the prosperity of LUMS in terms of their “love, time and money”. He laid great stress on “passion” which is required in making it happen.
Later, all four grandchildren along with their parents were called upon for the unveiling of plaque which read out the new name MZMG Hall. This was followed by dua for the prosperity of LUMS. The event concluded with tea and refreshments for the guests.