Dr. Qazilbash Judged IHL Moot Court Asia-Pacific Regions Round in Hong Kong

Monday, March 21, 2016

Dr. Ali Qazilbash, Chair, Shaikh Ahmad Hassan School of Law (SAHSOL), judged the 14th Red Cross International Humanitarian Law Moot Court (2016) – an inter-university competition for Asia-Pacific Regions Round at Hong Kong with other prominent international humanitarian experts.

This Asia Pacific Round was co-judged by prominent experts of IHL, First Admiral Azhari Abdul Aziz (Retd), former Assistant Chief of Staff (Administration) Malaysian Royal Navy; currently Senior Political Adviser, ICRC Regional Delegation in Kuala Lumpur; Mr. Antonie Bouvier, Legal Adviser, ICRC (Geneva); The Honorable Mr. Justice Patrick Chan Siu-oi, GGB, Non-Permanent Judge of the Court of Final Appeal, HKSAR; Mr. Michael Crowley, Senior Lecturer, School of Law and Justice, Edith Cowan University.