Dr. Naveed Ul Hassan, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering at the Syed Babar Ali School of Science and Engineering (SBASSE) has won the Research Productivity Award (RPA) 2017. Receiving a score of 13.69, Dr. Hassan has won the award in Category B. This is second year Dr. Hassan has won the Pakistan Council for Science and Technology, Research Productivity Award (RPA) award in Engineering Sciences. Last year he won the same award in category C.
Reflecting on his achievement, Dr. Hassan said, “Research productivity of scientists in Pakistan is increasing and the criterion is getting tough each year. I feel really happy at winning this award for the second consecutive year.”
A total of 2493 productive scientists of Pakistan employed in public/private sector universities, colleges and R&D organisations applied for the RPAs this year. Only the Research Output in 2016 was considered, either in the form of a publication with Pakistani address, patent, book, PhD supervised, external research grant or applied research output. A minimum threshold of 250 applicants was fixed to deem applicants successful in 12 subjects in four different categories from A to D. The number of awardees in each subject is calculated as relative percentage of total applicants of the subject. 10% of the top applicants from every subject are awarded category A, while the next 20%, 30% and 40% leading applicants are awarded category B, C and D respectively.
Dr. Hassan’s research interests include cross-layer design and resource optimisation in wireless communication systems, demand response management and integration of renewable energy resources in smart power grids, indoor localisation, and Internet of Things (IoT). He has authored/co-authored more than 55 research publications. He has successfully published research articles in prestigious journals, including IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grids, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, and IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials.
Details of the RPAs are available here.