CSS Alumni Mentorship Session 2

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The LUMS Office of Alumni Relations held its second CSS mentorship session on the evening of Wednesday, November 14, 2018 for a Central Superior Services (CSS) Mentorship.

As an event under the new alumni relations brand, SPARK-Pro aims to be a premier event for professional development and career advancement. This session was the second of four CSS mentorship sessions taking place over the next few months.

Every year, the number of LUMS graduates appearing for the Central Superior Services (CSS) examinations increases, and more and more alumni and students incline themselves towards this career path. In light of this, the LUMS Offices in collaboration with Office of Student Affairs, along with the alumni who are already serving after having passed CSS, wanted to cater to the community’s needs and provide them with the support and resources required for this endeavour.

The session was conducted by a panel of 3 alumni, all CSS officers; Ejaz Sarwar (BSc – 2014, Pakistan Administrative Services), Taimoor Khan (BSc – 2016, Premier Security Services) and Zafar Siddiqui (BSc – 2013, Police Service of Pakistan). With over a large number of alumni and students in the room, all eyes were on Mr. Siddiqui as he began the session with his introduction and started off with the topic of English Essay. He explained the core information about the essay, regarding topic selection and the things which are important while writing a 2000-2500 words essay.

“The examiner would decide in a few minutes if he wants to pass the candidate or not,” said Mr Siddiqui.

The alumni panelists, Mr. Khan then took the floor and began his talk with a presentation on Precis writing. He explained the audience about the importance of Precis and how to attempt it in CSS examination. Mr. Khan also suggested a few books on Current Affairs, History of Pakistan which can also help in general knowledge. While Mr. Sarwar concluded the session by explaining the importance of essay and the techniques to attempt it from selecting the topic to starting and concluding it in detail.

After every alumni panelist had spoken, the group opened the floor to an interactive question and answer session. The attendees took advantage of the opportunity to seek guidance from their seniors and did not hold back in their queries, questioning the alumni about everything from how to approach the exam essay, to how to attempt Precis.