LUMS Career Services Office invited Ms. Irina Deneanu, Associate Director for Asia Pacific at IE University, for an interactive session with the LUMS community on November 20, 2019. Ms. Deneanu has more than 15 years of professional experience in international development, marketing and sales and is an expert in building business ties across different business stakeholders in different regions. Ms. Deneanu also coaches professionals from around the world to develop their professional careers and education.
She started the session by introducing herself and the IE University. The key points of the session included personal branding both offline and online, employability tools and top skills of the future.
She further discussed what personal branding is, why it is important and how to effectively use it. She told the audience about three key stages to build our brand; knowing our goals and objectives, staying authentic and being different and unique.
To highlight online personal branding she discussed how to make ourselves standout on LinkedIn and the ways to promote and market ourselves on other social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. She also talked about the pros and cons of using social media platforms effectively in this day and age.
Moving towards offline branding she explained several strategies and gave amazing tips on how to write impressive CVs and ace interviews. She also gave audience insights on 2022 top skills which will likely move towards soft skills and people skills.
The session ended with an interactive Question and Answer session.