LUMS Career Services Office invited Mr. Fahad Tanveer, CEO and Co-Founder of EDKASA Private Limited, for an interactive session on November 7, 2019. Mr. Tanveer gave a holistic overview of careers in the 21st Century and shared key points that can equip students to become strong candidates for the job market.
Mr. Tanveer started the session by introducing himself and his company EDKASA. EDKASA is an EdTech company working to make quality education more accessible to students in Pakistan. He told the attendees about his inspiring profession journey that ranged from switching jobs to successfully opening up his own startup. He encouraged the audience to believe in themselves and also start their own businesses, emphasizing the need to identify a solution to a pressing problem that their target market might have.
Mr. Tanveer also discussed how to take good decisions when choosing careers. He highlighted how the job market is shrinking and becoming more competitive. People are going to have different interests as time progresses, so there is a need to be flexible and adaptable. He talked about the value of having passion for whatever they choose to do in life.
Lastly, he gave the students pointers as taking time to learn, building transferable skills, being proactive, undergoing formal training, strategically networking, developing the right attitude and becoming problem solvers.
The session proved to be very inspiring for the audience and ended with an interactive question and answer session where the students eagerly asked thought provoking questions.