Advanced Communications Lab (Adcom): Progress Through the Years

Thursday, February 16, 2017
Eighty-six  research publications, PKR 57 Million in research grants, 3 international patents, 29 graduate students, 41 undergraduate projects and independent studies, 50 research assistants – this is the progress of the Advanced Communications Lab (Adcom lab) at LUMS.
The lab is being managed by Dr. Naveed Ul Hassan, Dr. Momin Uppal and Dr. Ijaz Haider Naqvi, Assistant Professors of Electrical Engineering at the Syed Babar Ali School of Science and Engineering (SBASSE), LUMS. The lab directors strive for cutting-edge, high impact research and excellence in teaching.
The lab is a place for theoretical and applied research in Modern-day Telecommunication Systems, Internet of Things, Smart Power Grids, Indoor Localization, Cooperative Communication Strategies, and Signal Processing. Graduate students, research assistants and undergraduate students, supervised by the lab directors, undertake interesting, novel, and challenging research problems to expand the frontiers of knowledge.
In the last five years, the lab has published 36 research papers in leading international journals that include, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on Communication, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grids, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Communication Surveys & Tutorials, IEEE Communication Letters, and IEEE Access. The lab also contributed 50 research papers in the proceedings of international and national conferences. Several papers were presented at the flagship and core conferences of IEEE Communications Society, IEEE Signal Processing Society, and IEEE Power & Energy Society. The year wise break down of research publications from 2012-2017 is presented in Table 1 and Figure 1 (related pictures). 

Table 1:


Journal Papers

Conference Papers






















The work carried out at the lab is supported through various competitive internal and external research grants. National ICT R&D Fund, Higher Education Commission (HEC), and LUMS Faculty Initiative Fund (FIF) grantshave played a key role in Adcom lab’s success. The net amount of grants won by the lab directors in the three major thrust areas of wireless communication, indoor localization, and smart power grids are given in Table 2 and shown in Figure 2 (related pictures). 


Research Area

Grants Won (PKR)

Wireless Communication

37.86 Million

Indoor Localization

12.35 Million

Smart Power Grids

7.04 Million

Adcom lab believes in providing research opportunities to undergraduate students through internships, student projects and independent studies. These overtures often result in research publications and the placement of our students in top class international MS and PhD degree programmes. Over the years, several lab affiliates have earned Fulbright scholarships, and graduate placements at prestigious universities, such as, University of Texas at Austin, Rutgers University, McGill University, HKUST, Hong Kong, Technical University of Munich, etc.
The lab directors have also contributed towards the EE graduate programme by developing several new courses. The list includes: Discrete Time Design for Wireless Communication, Error Correction Coding, Wireless Communications, Digital Communication Principles, Stochastic Systems, Smart Grids: Technology & Applications. These courses provide the necessary background to our graduate students to carry out research and also prepare our undergraduate students for international degree programmes.
Adcom lab is committed towards generating new knowledge and training students to become leaders of tomorrow.