Enclosed by the verdant Sarban Hills, LUMS National Outreach Programme (NOP) representatives undertook the meandering route to the city of Abbottabad in order to conduct information sessions with students in the region from November 26 to 30, 2018. During their visit, a total of 4 cities were visited including Abbottabad, Haripur, Mansehra and Murree where 13 colleges were visited and more than 720 students were reached.
It was heartening to see that due to multiple years of conducting Outreach, the awareness regarding LUMS was positively prevalent in educators across the various colleges. NOP representatives were greeted with warmth and traditional hospitality. Students too, were eager to know about the NOP Scholarship and how they could become students at LUMS.
Ms. Mariam Naseer, Senior Lecturer at the Government College for Women, Murree offered her deepest gratitude for the information session and assured she would encourage all the eligible students under her domain to apply. Similarly Mr. Arsalan Siddique, Senior Development Trainer at International Islamic University (IIU) College, Mansehra praised the ensuing Q&A session that allowed students to discuss their concerns and the NOP application process in detail. Mr. Muhammad Shahzad of Khubaib College, Haripur stated that being an organsiation operating solely for orphans, programmes like the LUMS NOP Scholarship were truly a force for good and that they offered bright students to make a life for themselves regardless of their financial circumstances.
NOP representatives also encountered students who had attended the NOP Summer Coaching Session 2018 and requested them to share their story with their juniors and peers. They were further guided on the upcoming stages and how they could apply to LUMS.
With the positive response received, many applications will be coming in from Abbottabad and its surrounding areas. Furthermore with time, the strengthened educational partnerships will aid many students in applying to the NOP in the future as well.